Junction 142 is a community organisation located in Katoomba. An activity of the Leura Uniting Church and the Community, Junction 142 provides a wi…
At KK Quality Care we provide a safe and high-quality service that meets your social, health, daily living and personal care needs. All you have to do is tel…
Katoomba Neurodiversity Hub exists to facilitate peer support networks for neurodivergent people and their families and carers.
The Hub offers:
Provide the local community with opportunities to maintain and promote a healthy and active lifestyle, emphasising awareness on water safety.
KK Quality Care provides a range of social activities and individual supports for people living with a disability who have an NDIS Plan. We provide transport…
Welcome to Konnectcare! We provide a wide range of services within the aged care and disability sector. We are here to help break barriers and achieve best p…
Welcome to Konnect Care Blacktown! We provide a wide range of services within the aged care and disability sector. We are here to help break barriers and ach…
Welcome to Konnect Care Parramatta! We provide a wide range of services within the aged care and disability sector. We are here to help break barriers and ac…
Welcome to Konnect Care Wentworthville! We provide a wide range of services within the aged care and disability sector. Our health care services that include…
Are you creative? Do you like making things? Come down to our social craft group. Here you'll be able to participate in various crafting activities,…
Wool crafts interest group, spinning, weaving and more. Tues, Thurs (Weaving on 2nd and 4th) 12pm-3pm, 10am-3pm (Thurs); 6pm-9pm (Tues) , Additional contacts…
Includes trips, meetings, speakers, research, family history and more. Gatherings are informal, friendly and a great way to meet new people. See website f…
Social Club offering friendship and activities with other retires in your community. Local monthly meetings with interesting guest speakers. Easy outings to …
Lithgow Community Projects provides support, case work, advocacy, information to single adults, families and young people (16+) who are homeless, at risk of …
Provides medium term accommodation and support for young people (16-24yrs) who have no secure and safe place to stay. The service provides help with ho…
Lithgow Information and Neighbourhood Centre (LINC) is on a mission to nurture and support Lithgow towards its greatest level of connectivity and community. …
Lithgow Information and Neighbourhood Centre (LINC) is a not for profit community based organisation. At LINC we offer a range of services inc…
LithGrow Community Garden is an initiative to reduce social isolation and create a sense of belonging and connectedness. Proudly supported by Lithgow City Co…
A registered health promotion charity that offers a free outdoor, physical exercise and mental health support program in seven locations locally and as onlin…
Lives Lived Well provides free alcohol and drug counselling for people aged 12-24 through our Dianella Day Program for Young People. No need for bags to be p…
LiveUp is a free digital healthy ageing guide that can be accessed from the comfort of your own home. It provides you with the ideas, tools and guidance to k…
If you are looking for Penrith and surrounding suburbs yoga classes, stress management, relaxation and meditation classes, add Living Beautifully with Judy M…
Trauma Services specialising in sensory motor psychotherapy and somatic experiencing, perinatal mental health ,specialist in birth trauma healing, mental hea…
Mable helps you connect with care and support workers in your community and choose the people who share your interests and suit your needs best.
Do you love to sing? All welcome to sing a variety of song styles for all voice categories
Our meetings are informal with stimulating and varied guest speakers and regular visits to gardens of interest. New members are welcomed and valued. Come alo…
Matilda Nepean is a private hospital at Kingswood that provides a private mental health service that delivers assessment, treatment and support for a range o…
The Men's Shed is a place for men to socialise, network, make friends, access information on health and wellbeing and share skills. There are a numbr of …
The Blackheath Area Men's Shed has been formed as a community initiative to encourage men to get together around those things that men enjoy - having a y…
The shed is involved in woodwork and gardening activities. A group is also set up for men who do not have or no longer have practical skills but wish to meet…
All men are welcome. A comfortable atmosphere to come together to play a game of chess or cards or have a cuppa and a chat.
A men's only class - run by a male physiotherapist and sports trainer. The aim of the strength and stretch class is to prevent injuries, reduce back pain…
Come and join us in our friendly and social Men's Uno Group. We play the card game Uno from 11:30am - 1:30pm every Monday during school terms. …
Walking group mainly consists of retired men however, others are welcome to join. Come socialise, walk with us and get the chance to meet new people hop…
This support group is for anyone who has experinced mental health issues. This group combines a mix of guest speakers, peer support as well as artistic activ…
Support group for people who are living with mental health issues and the people who support them. Our support group is a safe space for anyone to share thei…
A resource centre for Aboriginal people in the Hawkesbury. The centre offers: Outreach; The Kurigarang Gnorang Playgroup (ACYFS); A community dir…
My service helps the individual with both strategies and life position, a different way of looking and processing the world. A better way of being in the wor…
Regular physical activity can help with both your physical and mental wellbeing. It helps you
reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke
Allied Health Code & Social Support Group Code required, dependent on activity
Weekly activities include:
At MindFlare, we specialise in creating unique tailored Psychology experiences that combine the latest technologies, evidence based research and best of all,…
Australia’s leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them. Nurtureline: 24 hou…
MYST provide a range of services for young people including drop-in youth centers and progams (Springwood and Katoomba); individual and family work; gr…
Move and groove hosts Gentle Groove. This is a holistic dance movement class that stimulates the whole body and mind. The dance class is a combination of sof…