Three DFV linkers have been engaged as part of our recognise, respond, refer (RRR) program to support general practice and minimise waiting times for referra…
A DFV linker has been engaged as part of our Care and Connect program to support general practice and minimise waiting times for referral to appropriate serv…
Specialist legal service for women experiencing domestic and family violence in New South Wales. Its main objective is to inform women who have experienced v…
A free statewide telephone service for women who are experiencing domestic violence. It is run by trained female caseworkers and provies telephone counsellin…
Provides supported crisis accommodation, transitional housing, an After Hours service and outreach support for women and children in the Nepean, Blue Mountai…
After hours support to women, with or without children who are placed in Temporary Accommodation. Can support clients in other accommodation.
The Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Team sees young people aged 12-24 who are experiencing, or who are likley to experience psychosis for the first time.
eheadspace is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 - 25 or their family can chat, email or speak on the phone with a qualified youth m…
Free legal and tenancy advice, community legal education and law reform activities for the communities of the Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands.
Elizabeth offers counselling for children, adolescents and adults around a range of issues including behaviour management, prenatal support, anxiety, depress…
Empowered Mind and Body offers Counselling and Psychotherapy services. I create a safe and supportive environment. One of care, hope, compassion, respect and…
Empowered Mind and Body offers Counselling and Psychotherapy services. I create a safe and supportive environment. One of care, hope, compassion, respect and…
EWON provides free, fair and independent dispute resolution for consumers and small business in NSW that are experiencing difficulties with their energy and …
I offer a psychotherapy service primarily based on an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) framework with a focus on collaboration with the client while t…
Faith San Diego is a registered Clinical Psychology Registrar who runs her own private practice at a medical centre in Windsor. She has a dive…
The Family and Carer Mental Health Program to
achieve the following aims:
• To improve family and carer coping
• To increase carer’s knowl…
Penrith Support Group: 2nd Tues of month. This group will be running online, please call Renee 0491 091 520 to register. This group provides a free confident…
National support line supporting families affected by alcohol and other drugs. It provides non-judgemental, non-directive support and information to families…
Finding Felicity Counselling provides online counselling services to women experiencing mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, experiencing gr…
Youth services focused on meeting the everyday needs of 17-25 year olds who are dealing with mental health issues – from finding accommodation, to beco…
For Women is a online discussion forum every second month for all women living with HIV anywhere in NSW over 45 years of age regardless of their length of di…
The Freedom Centre is a place and a community where you can belong. We provide holistic support through practical, financial, spiritual and emotional assista…
What is G'day Line? G’day Line isn't just a helpline - it's a space for heartfelt conversations, personalised resources, and connections to…
Offers free and confidential information, counselling and professional support services to people with a gambling-related issue, promotes gambling-awareness,…
Speak to an Aboriginal-specific gambling counsellor over the phone for free. Gambling upport Aboriginal people and their families.
Gateway Family Services is an organisation that provides support within the Penrith and Blue Mountains areas. The organisation assists members of the communi…
Getting on Track in Time - Got It! is a specialist early intervention mental health program for children in Kindergarten to Year 2, and their parents an…
Glow Healthcare Agency is an Australian community based Aged Care Service provider located in NSW. We are an approved Aged Care Service provider and offer bo…
We provide No Interest Loans (NILs) for individuals and families on low incomes with access to safe, fair and affordable credit. Loans are available for esse…
Free service to GPs to assist in managing the care of MH consumers. Provides advice for GPs about diagnosis, investigation, medication, and safety plan…
Provides GP and Aboriginal Health Worker clinics in Penrith and Katoomba
Free national support line dedicated to loss and grief counselling. It provides anonymous support and specialist counselling services to individuals and fami…
Many people don’t know how to respond to grief, whether their own or others. We are the frontline first responders to grief for hundreds of Australians…
At Harman Foundation, we specialise in providing assistance to the Indian sub-continental community particularly Punjabi including temporary visa holders and…
Mental health service for adults 18+ years including case management and education and support for clients, carers and families 4560 4100 (for people already…
SJOG counselling services are delivered by experienced counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists in a safe and non-judgemental environment. You…
Hawkesbury Family Support Service provides home visits or centre-based sessions. This service provide information and referral, counselling and support …
Free Legal Advice from an independent, non-profit community legal centre for people living in the Hawkesbury. Closed 12.30-1.30.
Head to Health Hawkesbury provides a safe and welcoming space for people who may be in distress or crisis, or who need help finding the right mental health s…
Penrith Head to Health is a free service offering caring, friendly and helpful support for people experiencing psychological distress, suicidal thoughts and …
headspace Hawkesbury provides free information, support and services to young people, aged 12 - 25, and their families and friends. They can help with mental…
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …
Free E-mental health clinic which is available for young people (12-25years old) accessing headspace Penrith. It can be accessed either at the centre in a yo…
headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program offers free and confidential support for young people (12-25yrs) who are experiencing an early episode of psychosis o…
Are you 65 and over and living in your own home or independent living?
Or 55 and over if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person?
…Are you 65 and over and living in your own home or independent living?
Or 55 and over if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person?