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120 results found:


Suicide Prevention for Seniors training

The Suicide Prevention for Seniors training is free and funded by the NSW and Australian Governments.

It is suited to anyone supporting older people - whe…


SydWest Multicultural Services is a large community services organisation working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities and responding to co…


TAFE NSW delivers variety of qualifications with a practical focus


Offers learners a wide selection of in-person, online, and blended upskilling training courses from training providers across Australia.

Middle Park

Tech Help at Penrith Library

Need help with learning to use your smartphone, tablet or laptop? Want to learn to send messages and emails, or to shop and pay bills online? We can help you…

Tech Help at St Marys Library

Need help with learning to use your smartphone, tablet or laptop? Want to learn to send messages and emails, or to shop and pay bills online? We can help you…

Tech Savvy for Seniors classes

For seniors to gain skills using computers, ipads or tablets

Ted Noffs Foundation

Designed for people aged 12 to 25 years of age, offering: 

  • Youth engagement activities including street art, music, vocational and educa…

The Link Foundation AOD

Our goals and objectives at The Link Foundation AOD reflect our commitment to providing comprehensive support and care to individuals and families impacted b…

The Talking Gazette

A local news resource provided weekly on CD/DVD that uniquely overviews the Blue Mountains Gazette and is produced by rotating volunteer narrators. Helps peo…

The Wellness Practice - Nepean

At The Wellness Practice, we’re proud to serve the Penrith region with a range of holistic health services designed to enhance your physical and mental…

THRIVE - Neami National

Neami National is piloting a program available to any Australian aged 18-65 with Internet access whose experience of employment has been impacted by mental h…

Offers learners a range of training courses for those in the health sector, which can be studied remotely at any time.

Middle Park

U3A Hawkesbury inc.

Learning, Activity and Interest Group offering multiple and a wide variety of classes for seniors.

U3A Hawkesbury Incorporated

Over 60 courses in Windsor/Richmond and surrounding areas including Textiles, Art, Birds, Literature, Photography, Classical Music, Computers, Cryptic C…

U3A Nepean Blue Mountains Inc.

A range of classes for retirees, from A for Art to Y for Yoga. Mental and physical activities and social interaction. 87 classes currently running in venues …

Walk n Talk for Life Lithgow

Our mission is to Unite + Walk + Thrive by creating Australia-wide walking groups to transform communities, nurture connections, support individuals and empo…

Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

The service provides a comprehensive crisis support suite of programs that include: No Interest Loans, Food packs, Food vouchers, electricity, water and gas …

Youth Community Living Support Service (YCLSS)

The Youth Community Living Support Service (YCLSS) is a community mental health service for young people aged 15 to 24. The program provides case management …

Youth Enhanced Support Service (YESS) - Uniting

The Youth Enhanced Support Service (YESS) is a free outreach program for young people aged 12-25 years who have or are at risk of developing mental health co…

A and D Child and Family Support


ACON - Regional Outreach

Surry Hills

Alzheimer's Communication Carer Partner

Assertive Community Treatment Team

Saint Marys

BaptistCare NSW & ACT

Beehive Re-Creative

Birth Aims


Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre

Blue mountains calmbirth

Break Thru Nepean

Bridging the Gap Child Youth and Family Centres

Saint Marys

Carer's Cafe - Drop In Centre

Child and Youth Mental Health Services ( CYMHS)

Computers for over 50s

North Richmond

Connect Child & Family Services Ltd


Continence Foundation of Australia (NSW Service)

CYBER_SHED digital + learning + advocacy + web + mobile + apps

DAWN (Dementia And Wellbeing Navigation

Digital Literacy Foundation

Digital Mentoring

Digital Mentoring Program

Disability Advocacy NSW

Valley Heights

Domestic and Family Violence Linkers - Blue Mountains & Lithgow

Domestic and Family Violence Linkers - Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow & Penrith

Domestic Violence Legal Service

Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Program

Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre

Empowered Mind and Body Lawson

Empowered Mind and Body Penrith


Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW

Financial Rights Legal Centre - National debt Hotline

Find Legal Answers Service

Freedom Centre (Salvation Army)

Glow Healthcare Agency

Good Connections Project

Hawkesbury Community Arts Workshop

Hawkesbury Early Childhood Intervention Service

South Windsor

Hawkesbury Environment Network

Hawkesbury Library Service

Hawkesbury Remakery

Hawkesbury Valley Toastmasters


Head to Health - digital mental health services

headspace Katoomba

headspace Lithgow

headspace Penrith

headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program (hYEPP)

Healthy Mind - Black Dog Institue

hope4ufoundation limited

Katoomba Neurodiversity Hub


LikeMind - Penrith

LithGrow Community Garden

Lives Lived Well - Dianella Day Program for Young People

Louise Wallace Walsh Psychology and Psychotherapy

Macquarie Community College

Made Of Stardust - Mind Body Spirit Coach

Maltese Community Council of NSW

Matilda Nepean

Mental Health Navigation Tool

Mental Health Online

Merana Aboriginal Community Association

MindFlare - Psychology

Glenmore Park

Miracle Babies Foundation - Premature birth support

myCompass - Black Dog Institute

Nanna's Touch Community Connections Lithgow Inc.

Hermitage Flat

National Dementia Helpline - Dementia Australia

National psychosocial Support (NPS) Program


NBMLHD Drug and Alcohol Service

Nepean Community College

Penrith City Library

Penrith Street University

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)

Platform Youth Services - homelessness and housing AND homeless youth assistance program (HYAP)

Police Local Area Command

Positive Life NSW Treatments Support

Professional Psychological Services (NSW) Pty Ltd

North Saint Marys

Psychological Therapy Services (PTS) Children and Young People

ReachOut Australia

SANE Australia Helpline

Seated Yoga

Springwood Crafters

Springwood Neighbourhood Centre Kinship Carers Support Group


St John of God Richmond Anxiety Program

North Richmond

St John of God Richmond Depression Program

North Richmond

St Marys Library

Saint Marys

StandBy - Support After SuicideStandBy - Support After Suicide

StandBy Support After Suicide

Start Talking Program - Gidget Foundation Australia

Student De-Stress program

Suicide Prevention for Seniors training





Middle Park

Tech Help at Penrith Library

Tech Help at St Marys Library

Saint Marys

Tech Savvy for Seniors classes

The Link Foundation AOD

The Wellness Practice - Nepean

THRIVE - Neami National

Middle Park

U3A Hawkesbury inc.

U3A Hawkesbury Incorporated

U3A Nepean Blue Mountains Inc.

Walk n Talk for Life Lithgow

Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

Youth Community Living Support Service (YCLSS)

Youth Enhanced Support Service (YESS) - Uniting