Movement group organised by Our Lady of Consolation. A professional Exercise Physiologist runs the group each week. Meets on Tuesday 10.15am.…
Life’s much better when you get yourself moving. Exercise is of vital benefit to older people. It can help to minimize pain and improve function, …
Gig Buddies is a befriending project that matches an adult with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism with a volunteer with similar interests …
Come join us for a chat and a walk. all ages and fitenss levels welcome. thursday morning from 9.30
Glow Healthcare Agency is an Australian community based Aged Care Service provider located in NSW. We are an approved Aged Care Service provider and offer bo…
The Good Connections Project will run free monthly healthy cooking and good conversation sessions led by refugees/asylum seekers for targeted groups of about…
We provide No Interest Loans (NILs) for individuals and families on low incomes with access to safe, fair and affordable credit. Loans are available for esse…
The role of Business Chaplaincy is to help business owners work through issues by being present to listen, support, encourage, assist, care, pray if requeste…
Provides GP and Aboriginal Health Worker clinics in Penrith and Katoomba
Guided meditation and mindfulness for women at the Women's Cottage at Richmond 10am-12noon
Your local Wentworth Falls yoga studio!
We are located in Happy Buddha Retreats and we offer classes every single day. We offer yoga for everyone, whether…
At Harman Foundation, we specialise in providing assistance to the Indian sub-continental community particularly Punjabi including temporary visa holders and…
Accommodation support for people who experience mental illness to live independently in the community and meet their personal goals. Assists clients li…
The Hawkesbury City Council Community Hubs support your community with connection to each other and to a wide range of services.
The Community Hubs a…
SJOG counselling services are delivered by experienced counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists in a safe and non-judgemental environment. You…
Private hospital that provides public and community health services.
Environmental advocacy, education, bushcare works and caring for people and the environment in the Hawkesbury
Hawkesbury Family Support Service provides home visits or centre-based sessions. This service provide information and referral, counselling and support …
Various activities including Book Chat, Book Club, Knit with Friends, talks, Technology courses and help and social movies. Richmond and Windsor Branches. Cl…
Community makerspace, resource pantry of second craft and other goods, gallery. Learn craft skills, art techniques, upcycling methods in our works…
Wherever you are on your mental health journey, Head to Health is there to help you find the information, resources, and services that most suit your needs. …
Head to Health Hawkesbury provides a safe and welcoming space for people who may be in distress or crisis, or who need help finding the right mental health s…
Penrith Head to Health is a free service offering caring, friendly and helpful support for people experiencing psychological distress, suicidal thoughts and …
headspace Hawkesbury provides free information, support and services to young people, aged 12 - 25, and their families and friends. They can help with mental…
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …
headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program offers free and confidential support for young people (12-25yrs) who are experiencing an early episode of psychosis o…
Healing Hands Complete Care supports people living with a disability, including Mental Health. We offer Day Programs, Drop in Centre, Accommodation, Communit…
Healing Hands Complete Care, we offer flexibility across all our services. Mental Health/Disability Day Programe Service - Blacktown Monday to Friday, Thursd…
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul …
Are you 65 and over and living in your own home or independent living?
Or 55 and over if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person?
…Are you 65 and over and living in your own home or independent living?
Or 55 and over if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person?
…Are you 75 and over and living in your own home or independent living in the Hawkesbury?
Or 65 and over if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Is…
Michelle is a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse (CMHN) in private practice, with experience spanning 30 years in healthcare across a diverse range of settings…
Weekly walking group every Tuesday.
Meeting point is generally outside the Leura CWA Hall at 9am.
Our Healthy Hearts class is for the senior members of our community who enjoy keeping active in a social and fun environment. This class focuses on balance, …
A friendly, non-gym environment - go at your own pace
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul …
A friendly, non-gym environment - go at your own pace
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul …
A friendly, non-gym environment - go at your own pace
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul …
Low-moderate exercise class ideal for seniors, or people with health conditions like diabetes, heart problems or arthritis. Additional Contact 0419 410 563 (…
Community aged care services can support you in your home, including with shopping, housework, cooking, gardening, getting to your doctor or other appointmen…
HomeCaring Penrith provides personalised home care that you can trust. We believe each of our clients is a valued individual who deserves care that is e…
Home Caring delivers quality home care services to seniors and people living with a disability in the Richmond community. As an approved NDIS and Aged Care p…
As we get older, everyday tasks can start feeling a little more strenuous. But that doesn’t mean you’ll need to leave your home behind. Home Inst…
The Homelessness Mental Health Team offers a multidisciplinary approach to the bio psychosocial assessment and treatment of people who are homeless and exper…
Hope Health Care Services Lifestyle and health services
Hope Health Care Services prides itself in providing top Disability services in Australia, suppor…