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43 results found:


A and D Child and Family Support

We are registered with the NDIS and the Office of the Children’s Guardian. We can provide support with; • supported accommodation • crisis ca…

AD Healthcare Pty Ltd

AD Healthcare Pty Ltd is a trusted and registered NDIS service provider committed to delivering high-quality support and care services to individuals with di…

Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) NSW

Whether you are having issues with alcohol or other drugs, are concerned about someone else’s alcohol or other drug use, or just have general questions…

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid fellowship with the stated purpose of enabling its members to "stay sober and help other alcoholics …

Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre

ACRC provides community services and programs such as. - Blue Mountains Aboriginal Transport services. -Family Support services. -Youth Support services. -El…

Clear View Psychology Services Pty Ltd

Clear View Psychology Services prides itself on timely treatment intervention to promote effective recovery across multiple community and workplace settings.…

Commonwealth Psychosocial Support program

The Commonwealth Psychosocial Support service, provided by Flourish Australia, assists people with a severe mental illness who have reduced psychosocial func…

Dianella Cottage

A non-residential day rehabilitation program for men and women with dual diagnosis. They offer a non-residential day rehabilitation group therapy; intake, as…

Dianella Cottage -Lives Lived Well

Dianella Cottage is an alcohol and other drugs community based treatment service. We are a harm minimisation service, which means we work with individuals at…

Doing It Tough website

The Doing it Tough website connects men in NSW who are looking for support with addiction, relationship issues, financial difficulties, abuse, job relat…

Faith San Diego - Psychology

Faith San Diego is a registered Clinical Psychology Registrar who runs her own private practice at a medical centre in Windsor. She has a dive…

Family Drug Support Group

Penrith Support Group: 2nd Tues of month. This group will be running online, please call Renee 0491 091 520 to register. This group provides a free confident…

Family Drug Support Telephone Support Line

National support line supporting families affected by alcohol and other drugs. It provides non-judgemental, non-directive support and information to families…

Hawkesbury District Health Service (SJOG) - Counselling Service

SJOG counselling services are delivered by experienced counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists in a safe and non-judgemental environment.  You…

headspace Hawkesbury

headspace Hawkesbury provides free information, support and services to young people, aged 12 - 25, and their families and friends. They can help with mental…

headspace Katoomba

headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …

headspace Lithgow

headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …

headspace Penrith

headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing …

headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program (hYEPP)

headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program offers free and confidential support for young people (12-25yrs) who are experiencing an early episode of psychosis o…

Health Dynamis Pty Ltd

Michelle is a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse (CMHN) in private practice, with experience spanning 30 years in healthcare across a diverse range of settings…

Johanna Dennis Psychology

Provides psychological counselling, including support with anxiety/depression, grief, interpersonal challenges, work related challenges, life transitions, sl…



A free, national, 24 hour telephone counselling service for people in a mental health crisis. Services are specific to the needs of the local community and c…

LikeMind - Penrith

LikeMind is an adult mental health service which aims to provide support for adults (18+ years old) with mental health concerns, as well as their families an…

Lives Lived Well - Dianella Day Program for Young People

Lives Lived Well provides free alcohol and drug counselling for people aged 12-24 through our Dianella Day Program for Young People. No need for bags to be p…


Free telephone and online support, information and referral service for men, specialising in family and relationship concerns, family violence, addiction, su…

Mind Health

Mind Health is a leading mental health service provider in Parramatta & Sydney, offering personalised, goal-oriented care for a wide range of concerns, i…

Mountain Blue Therapy

Stephanie is a counsellor who provides therapy services to children, teenagers and adults. She is experienced working with adolescents, and also provides sup…

MP Support

We provide social and community participation, daily activities, support coordination domestic support and personal care working with participants 5 and up. …

NBMLHD Drug and Alcohol Service

The Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Drug and Alcohol Service offers free, non-judgemental services and treatments for drug and/or alcohol use, in…

New Age Psychology Services

New Age Psychology offers psychotherapy sessions for diverse range of psychological problems. We have expertise in DBT, cognitive behavior therapy and schema…


Men and women's drug and alcohol rehabilitation service.  Offers long term residential program, aftercare outreach program and day rehabilitation pr…

ONE80TC Men's, Women's and Outreach programs

ONE80TC Men's, Women's and Outreach programs offer Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Service. 


Penrith Street University

Designed for people aged 12-25 years of age.  This program is run by the Ted Noffs Foundation and offers: youth engagement activities including street a…

Professional Psychological Services (NSW) Pty Ltd

We are a private psychology practice specialising in assessments, diagnoses and treatments since 2005. We are an eclectic team of Clinical Psychologists, Cou…

North Saint Marys


PsychHelp is a Telehealth psychological service. PsychHelp allows you to receive assistance from an Australian Registered Psychologist from the comfort of yo…

Psychological Therapy Services (PTS)

The Psychological Therapy Services (PTS) program, formerly known as ATAPS, provides short-term support to people who have mild to moderate mental health conc…

Psychological Therapy Services (PTS) Comorbidity Alcohol and Other Drugs Stream

Psychology sessions for peoople with co-existing substance use and mental health issues, both of which are clinically and/or socially significant. 

St Vincent De Paul

To support individuals to maintain engagement with AOD treatment services and reduce harms associated with substance use through provision of enhanced wrap-a…

Ted Noffs Foundation

Designed for people aged 12 to 25 years of age, offering: 

  • Youth engagement activities including street art, music, vocational and educa…

TG Psychology

We are a locally owned and operated private psychology practice, located in High Street, Penrith. We have been open since 2012, and are very passionate about…

The Link Foundation AOD

Our goals and objectives at The Link Foundation AOD reflect our commitment to providing comprehensive support and care to individuals and families impacted b…

The Second Door Counselling Services

I provide trauma-informed counselling with clients whose lives have been impacted by grief, sexual, domestic, or family violence and trauma. Also, behaviour …

Well-Being Safe Place PTY LTD

Registered Psychologist providing support, counselling and psychological services within Lithgow. Able to provide psychological services under SIRA (State In…

A and D Child and Family Support


AD Healthcare Pty Ltd

Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) NSW

Alcoholics Anonymous

Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre

Clear View Psychology Services Pty Ltd

Commonwealth Psychosocial Support program

Dianella Cottage -Lives Lived Well

Doing It Tough website

Faith San Diego - Psychology

Family Drug Support Telephone Support Line

Hawkesbury District Health Service (SJOG) - Counselling Service

headspace Hawkesbury

headspace Katoomba

headspace Lithgow

headspace Penrith

headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program (hYEPP)

Health Dynamis Pty Ltd

Johanna Dennis Psychology


LikeMind - Penrith

Lives Lived Well - Dianella Day Program for Young People

Mind Health

Mountain Blue Therapy

NBMLHD Drug and Alcohol Service

New Age Psychology Services

ONE80TC Men's, Women's and Outreach programs

Penrith Street University

Professional Psychological Services (NSW) Pty Ltd

North Saint Marys

Psychological Therapy Services (PTS)

Psychological Therapy Services (PTS) Comorbidity Alcohol and Other Drugs Stream

St Vincent De Paul

TG Psychology

The Link Foundation AOD

The Second Door Counselling Services

Well-Being Safe Place PTY LTD