P Homecare is offerings the assurance and reliability of 24/7 in-home support in Penrith. Designed to cater to individuals requiring continuous care and assi…
We are registered with the NDIS and the Office of the Children’s Guardian. We can provide support with; • supported accommodation • crisis ca…
We provide compassionate care and support for individuals with disabilities, age-related needs and our dementia specific day centre that offers respite. Our …
Join Abby Health app and enjoy 100% bulk-billed telehealth consultations with Australian doctors online! Become a valued member of the Abby Health family and…
Ability Options provides a variety of services which focus on giving people control over their lives and support them to make a meaningful contribution to so…
The Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer is employed by Hawkesbury District Health to assist the Aboriginal Community to access appropriate health servi…
Disability and mental health service provider Whether it’s providing assistance around the home, offering companionship, facilitating attendance at wor…
Active Care Network is a not for profit organisation offering a range of transport services for frail aged, younger people with a disability and anyone who i…
Active Home Care Nurses is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized care for seniors and individuals with disabilities in the comfort of their own h…
AD Healthcare Pty Ltd is a trusted and registered NDIS service provider committed to delivering high-quality support and care services to individuals with di…
We assist elderly Australians, their carers and families, navigate, select and access the best aged care to meet their needs. Whether considering government …
We work with multicultural communities from African and Arabic communities. Clients are mainly from Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Zimbabwee, Ghana, Eritrea, Nigeri…
Anglicare offers a range of respite options for carers, in-home, out of home in the community, at one of our overnight respite cottages, day respite in a soc…
Free call back telephone health information service for people with arthritis or osteoporosis. Service includes a magazine, camps for young people and childr…
Our clinic provides evidence based assessment and therapy services for children and adults. We have full time speech pathologists and occupational therapists…
We provide a wide range of services and activities for people of all ages and circumstances to improve the wellbeing, resilience and quality of life of peopl…
BANC supports activities and services that enhance communities. We do this through the provision of programs that empower people to improve the quality of th…
ACRC provides community services and programs such as. - Blue Mountains Aboriginal Transport services. -Family Support services. -Youth Support services. -El…
We provide the following services: * Weekly home delivery of nutritious frozen meals and fresh food from our cafe in Lawson (We are the Blue Mountains - Meal…
An interactive mobility map of our town centres has been created to assist people with a disability to better navigate our beautiful mountains.
At breakthru Penrith we deliver National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) support. We work in partnership with our breakthru Family Mental Health Support S…
Bridging Care is an in home service agency delivering services in the community aged care and disability sectors. We offer domestic assistance, transport, so…
Caddens Care is a trusted NDIS service provider offering Daily Assisted Living, Household Tasks, Assisted Transport, Complex Nursing, Community Participation…
Nursing Services: wound care, continence management, complex bowel & urinary catheter…
CareAbout only works with a select panel of Home Care and NDIS providers. We’re free for customers and will only make a match we are confident about. W…
The Carer's Café is a weekly drop in centre for all carers and the people they care for to drop in, have a cuppa, speak with other carer's and…
Careseekers is more than just an online platform. We connect individuals directly to disability support workers and aged care workers. We are an NDIS registe…
Caring Co is the easiest way to find the top aged care homes and retirement villages in Australia.
Springwood Drop-In Centre, 3/163 Macquarie Rd Springwood
A place for all members of the Blue Mountains to access counselling, food support, cuppa and…
We offer multidisciplinary developmental and diagnostic assessments for children and teens, as well as paediatric physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, dietetics, fee…
Clear View Psychology Services prides itself on timely treatment intervention to promote effective recovery across multiple community and workplace settings.…
Individualised continence assessment services along with specialised development of recommended treatment and management plans. Services offered to all CALD …
The scheme is delivered by more than 50 trained volunteers who give freely of their time to help people navigate the court system. For those facing the stres…
We provide free individual advocacy support services in Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow and Penrith LGAs. Our service can help you sort out a range of is…
Not for Profit organisation that can provide a range of supports to people for people who are over 65 with disabilities and their families. Includes individ…
Empowered Mind and Body offers Counselling and Psychotherapy services. I create a safe and supportive environment. One of care, hope, compassion, respect and…
Please co…
Our service provides Home Modifications and Maintenance services for frail aged and customers with disability to remain safe and independent in their home. P…
Gig Buddies is a befriending project that matches an adult with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism with a volunteer with similar interests …
Glow Healthcare Agency is an Australian community based Aged Care Service provider located in NSW. We are an approved Aged Care Service provider and offer bo…
HECIS is an NDIS provider specialising in personalised early intervention support for children 0-6 years and their families. HECIS has been supporting young …
Support group for people who are blind or have low vision and their friends and family. $3 contribution includes morning tea 02 4572 7090
Healing Hands Complete Care, we offer flexibility across all our services. Mental Health/Disability Day Programe Service - Blacktown Monday to Friday, Thursd…
Healing Hands Complete Care supports people living with a disability, including Mental Health. We offer Day Programs, Drop in Centre, Accommodation, Communit…
A free online ready tool designed to help people with mild to borderline intellectual disability who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, anxiety an…
Online audiology support service for aged and community members, with hearing information, self-help tools sample hearing aid and tips
Hibsicus Care Australia (HCA) is an independent service provider who offer innovative programs and supports to NDIS participants who are currently self or pl…
HomeCaring Penrith provides personalised home care that you can trust. We believe each of our clients is a valued individual who deserves care that is e…