We provide the following services: * Weekly home delivery of nutritious frozen meals and fresh food from our cafe in Lawson (We are the Blue Mountains - Meals on Wheels provider). * 6 Community Restaurants across the mountains each week where clients receive a freshly prepared meal and get an opportunity to socialise with others. * Disability programs including Cook + Connect Cooking programs including group work, at home cooking and work experience cooking/food preparation at Ben's Cafe in Lawson. * Social Support (accompanied shopping including companionship). * Food and Nutrition Education & Training for Over 65s (cooking and socialisation group).              * Ben's Cafe Lawson which exists as a community hub and place where young people with disability can gain work experience and learn hospitality skills.

Areas serviced
Blue Mountains
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Is there a cost?
It depends on the service
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Eligibility Criteria

NDIS Plan with relevant funding or CHSP My Aged Care Referral