Maintaining an adequate amount of lower- and upper-body strength is necessary for executing a variety of common tasks associated with physical independence s…
We are registered with the NDIS and the Office of the Children’s Guardian. We can provide support with; • supported accommodation • crisis ca…
Join Abby Health app and enjoy 100% bulk-billed telehealth consultations with Australian doctors online! Become a valued member of the Abby Health family and…
The Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer is employed by Hawkesbury District Health to assist the Aboriginal Community to access appropriate health servi…
NBMPHN Aboriginal Liaison Officer provides support and cultural guidance to general practices across the region.
Lawson Community Health -Aboriginal Liais…
Join for a yarn up and tell us what you would like to get out of our men's group.
Volunteer Visitor scheme for isolated LGBTI seniors. Trained volunteers make regular one on one home visits where they chat over a cuppa, listen to music, wa…
ACON is NSW's leading health organisation specialising in community health, inclusion and HIV responses, for people of diverse sexualities and genders. W…
A directory of exercise programs available across the region.
The site also has online information on falls prevention.
Visit the Active and Healthy website to find exercises and healthy lifestyle programs tailored to older adults.
Active Care Network is a not for profit organisation offering a range of transport services for frail aged, younger people with a disability and anyone who i…
AD Healthcare Pty Ltd is a trusted and registered NDIS service provider committed to delivering high-quality support and care services to individuals with di…
We assist elderly Australians, their carers and families, navigate, select and access the best aged care to meet their needs. Whether considering government …
Residential Aged Care - One-on-one and group in person volunteer visits
The Alzheimer's Communication Care Partner offers guidance, advice, information and education to support the person living with Dementia throug…
We work with multicultural communities from African and Arabic communities. Clients are mainly from Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Zimbabwee, Ghana, Eritrea, Nigeri…
Men's' Coffee Group meeting on Fridays 10am to 12 noon.
Mobile contact for more information is 0410 563 935.
This Women's Coffee Group meets on Tuesdays 10am to 12 noon.
The contact person is Sue Inman 0410 563 935.
Anglicare offers a range of respite options for carers, in-home, out of home in the community, at one of our overnight respite cottages, day respite in a soc…
Hawkesbury Valley Animal Welfare League is a branch of Animal Welfare League NSW.
Volunteers rescue dogs and cats and kittens from the local Hawkesbu…
This is a gentle Aquarobics class, for seniors, people recovering from surgery, as an exercise recovery session, for people with joint or mobility issues, or…
Paint, draw create! All ages welcome to join our group of budding artists. Develop and share skills. Connect with others in a warm social environment.
The Village is run entirely by Volunteers who have a great passion for preserving our local - and Australia's - Colonial History. New Volunteers are alwa…
About Refresh Retreat Well-being and Respite Program What are Refresh Retreats? The Refresh Retreats program aims to equip carers with the knowledge, tools, …
SMART (Self Management and Recovery Training) Recovery is a free group program assisting people with any problematic behaviours, including addiction to drugs…
Belong Blue Mountains is the new name for your local Neighbourhood Centres in Katoomba, Mid-Mountains and Lower Mountains. Our three…
Belong Blue Mountains is the new name for your local Neighbourhood Centres in Katoomba, Mid-Mountains and Lower Mountains. Our three…
Belong Blue Mountains is the new name for your local Neighbourhood Centres in Katoomba, Mid-Mountains and Lower Mountains. Our three…
We provide a wide range of services and activities for people of all ages and circumstances to improve the wellbeing, resilience and quality of life of peopl…
This relaxed social group is a safe respectful place where men can make new connections, talk about things that are important to them, and support their ment…
LINE DANCING LESSONS .All bilby linedance classes are suspended for the first 3 months in 2023 becaus…
Unusual and uncommon birds are showing up in our towns and cities seeking refuge from fires and drought.You can help us by conducting regular bird counts and…
BANC supports activities and services that enhance communities. We do this through the provision of programs that empower people to improve the quality of th…
To keep you motivated we offer a relaxed and friendly place to help you improve your fitness and health, from yoga to weights to circuit training, individual…
Men's walking group with a physio in Blackheath area. Come along, get social and meet new people while mainting your health.
ACRC provides community services and programs such as. - Blue Mountains Aboriginal Transport services. -Family Support services. -Youth Support services. -El…
The Blue Mountains Community Care Forum meets to discuss aged and disability care issues for service provision in the Blue Mountains, gaps in service provisi…
We provide the following services: * Weekly home delivery of nutritious frozen meals and fresh food from our cafe in Lawson (We are the Blue Mountains - Meal…
A fully equipped yoga studio located in Katoomba, surrounded by World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park, a stunning location.
If you are a local Blue Mountains resident and you are unable to get to our Library branches due to frailty, illness, living with disability or caring duties…
Support group for anyone suffering from Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or Fibromyalgia (FM). An active group for sufferers wh…
An interactive mobility map of our town centres has been created to assist people with a disability to better navigate our beautiful mountains.
Providing a wide range of health and support services and activities to women in the Blue Mountains.
Walking group in Katoomba!!!!
Walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke by 35% percent and Type 2 dia…