Lithgow Sports Medicine operates from Elevate Medical Hub

Management of sports injuries

Advice on prevention of sports injuries

Advice on how to safely start to become physically active if you’re not currently

Exercise prescriptions for rehabilitation from injury or illness

Evidenced based exercise advice and prescriptions for specific medical situations, eg asthma, cancer, depression, heart disease, osteoporosis, pregnancy

Evidenced based exercise advice for women

Evidence based exercise advice for children and older people

Assistance with nutrition for sporting activities

Management of overtraining syndrome Management of RED-S (relative energy deficiency in sport - inadequate nutritional intake for the amount of training leading to poor health and performance outcomes)

Areas serviced
Blue Mountains
Lithgow Sports Medicine
Cost Icon
Is there a cost?
$195 for initial assessment $130 for review appointments - (Medicare rebates available for in person appointments)
Transport Icon
Is there transport?
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Do I need to book?