Richmond Community Services has a range of activities for all ages including a variety of parenting programs and social support groups. As well as providing information and referral and food support.  Our Family Support Service provides one on one support for families including casework and referrals to relevant services. 

Hawkesbury Neighbour Aid is a social support program to assist those over 65 years of age and their carers living in the Hawkesbury LGA. Our aim is to assist clients to remain living independently in their own homes to delay inappropriate or premature residential care. Hawkesbury Neighbour Aid offers several levels of service and clients may access one or all of these. Our trained and supported volunteers, who are recruited from our community, visit clients in their own home for a social chat or help with writing and posting mail, reading, companionship, social and advocacy support. We also provide one on one assistance with shopping, appointments and social outings according to the clients’ needs.

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Richmond Community Services
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